Where, how and when are common words that can often come to a person that is single and waiting for the right person.
That’s why once a month the Love Therapy team host the Single’s Hour. It’s a special hour, for single people to mingle amongst each other using the tips and advice they have received during the Love Therapy seminars.
This week we’ll have musical performances, to make it a pleasant and calm atmosphere for all present. Men and women of different age groups attend in the hope to find potential suitors through intelligent love.
The Singles’ Hour is a great way to step out of your comfort zone and meet like-minded individuals.
During the ‘Singles’ Hour’ you will receive tips that will help you along your journey to finding true love that comes from faith, and also tips that will help you improve yourself. Because if you’re looking for the best version in a partner, you have to offer the same.
The Single’s Hour will be followed by our weekly Love Therapy seminar at 8pm.
Event: Singles’ Hour
Date & Time: Thursday 16th June at 7pm
Location: Rainbow Theatre