While there are some that complain about time, there are others who choose to make it a priority. John and Daniele chose to make time their best friend instead of their enemy. Find out how this young couple is happily married today…
Daniele: Although we dated for four years, for three and a half of those years, he was in the UK and I was in Brazil. It was not easy being so far away after the first year of getting to know each other. We decided that we would wait for no matter the distance. During that time, we made sure to communicate and share our experiences with each other. We never kept secrets. Lastly, we had to be determined, because, at times, we heard comments that our relationship would not work. Well, today, we are married and truly happier than ever.
John: Since we met, we were certain our relationship was worth investing in. We made sure to practise all we had learnt during the Love Therapy seminars, and we didn’t allow distance to make our relationship grow cold. We made sure we would overcome this difficulty by using the time to know each other more. This has brought complete assurance that we will spend the rest of our lives together.
John And Danielle Lima