In the beginning, when I initially started attending the Love Therapy Seminar, John and I were having relationship problems, so we eventually separated.
Lisa: “After attending, John also started to attend and we managed to resolve most of our problems. We even got married. After three months, we started to have problems again; things just went downhill.”
John: “My addiction took control of my life, so all that I did was only to satisfy my addiction.”
Lisa: “The worst moment for me was when I saw that John just didn’t care, and I couldn’t understand. Of course, I knew there was an addiction; I understood where that came from and it was what was causing him to behave in that way, but it didn’t eradicate the fact that he was hurting his family. I couldn´t cope with the situation, so we ended up divorcing.
John: “I felt really bad for my daughter. I would promise her that the following week would be different and that I would be on time, but I was so involved in my own world, that I would fall asleep, forget and it just wouldn’t happen.”
Lisa: “I participated in a few purposes of faith for my love life. I wanted to have a complete family. I never envisioned John as my potential future partner because I was determined that once I divorced him, I would never go back to him. I would claim the right to have the promise of God fulfilled in my life. He said that two are better than one, so I wanted Him to help me make the right choices.
I had to change many things. I was very demanding with God in regards to what I wanted and how I wanted the blessings to come, but God showed me that it was not about my will but His; was I ready to trust? I had to be ready to let go of my own conceptions of how the blessings should come to my life.
Trusting was difficult for me. As a lone parent, you end up depending on no one but yourself. You want God to understand your situation so, for a while, I was asking like a victim, feeling sorry for myself, and that can lead you to do less than what God is requesting from you. I would often say: “God knows my needs” until I made a firm decision to let go of everything and allow God to work in my life.”
John: “I eventually hit rock bottom. I had an overdose and I was immediately taken to the hospital. After that, I started suffering from an anxiety disorder and panic attacks. I had to come to terms with myself and make a decision once and for all because my life was a mess. I knew that the UCKG would help me because they had before. It just depended on me making the decision to follow what was taught there. I started attending the meetings because I was desperate. I learned how use to my faith and eventually left everything behind – the drugs, night life, and everything that I knew I was doing wrong.”
Lisa: “John would often be on my mind, so I would ask God to help me because he was not what I wanted.
Today, I am happy because I have erased all the hurt and disappointments from the past. The changes are unbelievable. We are a family again; John is completely different. There is no resentment from the past. It´s so different from before; our lives have been completely transformed.”
John: “I always wanted to come back to my family and to live with my daughter again. I never stopped loving them. I was so distracted and blind, but now I’m totally in love with Lisa; I never felt like that before.”
Lisa: “I am very happy now and I love John very much. I see him as a gift from God.”
Natalia: “One Sunday afternoon, they were holding hands and walking together, and they told me that they are together now – that is all I have ever wanted.”
John and Lisa Zapata