Throughout the month of March, we focused on learning from Noah and his wife at the Love Therapy seminar. While the Bible does not implicitly discuss their relationship, we were able to draw out teachable moments from Noah’s obedience that, when applied to one’s love life, will have a positive and lasting impact.
These meditations and lessons have included being patient with your partner and having long-suffering when you have not yet found the right one; choosing to obey God’s direction right down to the very detail; and not just saying that you will change something in you that is a ‘red flag’, but following through with the true proof of change – action.
Next in the line-up of couples in Genesis are our father and mother of faith – Abraham and Sarah. There is already so much that you have undoubtedly gathered from them that you have applied to your spiritual life. But what gems can be discovered about their love story?
Get ready to be inspired by another couple from the beginning.
Join us on Thursday at 8pm for the Love Therapy seminar. Please come wearing your face covering and follow all social distancing guidelines.
Meeting: Couples from Genesis series at the Love Therapy seminar
Day and time: Thursdays at 8pm
Location: Rainbow Theatre, 232 Seven Sisters Road, N4 3NX.
More info: Call or WhatsApp 020 7686 6000