Throughout the month of April, we focused on Abraham and Sarah in the Love Therapy seminars. We know them as our father and mother in faith, whom the Bible says we should look to. However, there were also many lessons that we were able to draw from their relationship. We learnt from the things they did right, but also from their mistakes.
These lessons have included serving your partner; keeping your eyes on the good examples in love and not the countless bad ones around us; to never settle for less by ‘going down to Egypt’ or sacrificing for the right kind of love; and to remember that waiting God’s way is the best way to achieve the blessing, rather than trying to do things your way to ‘speed up’ the process.
The Couples from Genesis purpose in the Love Therapy seminars continue, as we will learn from Isaac and Rebekah in the month of May. Get ready to be inspired by another couple from the beginning.
Join us on Thursday at 8pm. Please come wearing your face covering and follow all social distancing guidelines.
Meeting: Couples from Genesis series at the Love Therapy seminar
Day and time: Thursdays at 8pm
Location: Rainbow Theatre, 232 Seven Sisters Road, N4 3NX.
For more info: Call or WhatsApp 020 7686 6000