Over the last month at the Love Therapy seminar, we have extracted lessons that can transform your love life from the very first couple to exist: Adam and Eve.
These lessons have included the importance of being a giver in the relationship; not being selfish; being a helper; ensuring that you have the correct order – that God holds the position of first place in your relationship; and not playing the ‘blame game’, but learning to take responsibility for your actions and admit when you are wrong.
As we continue this series, we will be learning from a new couple: Noah and his wife. What we mostly know about Noah is the tremendous task that God gave him to save himself and his family – by building the ark. However, what does the Bible reveal about Noah’s relationship with his wife and what can we learn from them?
Don’t miss the next Love Therapy seminar to find out how you can apply lessons from their relationship to your own today. Let’s go back to the beginning to solve the current state of your love life.
Please come wearing your face covering and follow all social distancing guidelines.
Meeting: Couples from Genesis series at the Love Therapy seminar
Day and time: Thursday at 8pm
Location: Rainbow Theatre, 232 Seven Sisters Road, N4 3NX.
More info: Call or WhatsApp 020 7686 6000