Love Therapy

The Seminar

Perhaps you don’t know all the benefits of participating in the Love Therapy seminars yet. Surprisingly, getting a boyfriend or girlfriend is NOT the focus of the meetings.

Evaluate yourself and prepare to experience the resulting transformation that may take place in you as a result of attending the lectures.

Although there are many more reasons to attend, here are ten great reasons to come to the seminar:

1)         Healing from the wounds of past relationships.
2)         Learning intelligent love.
3)         Preparation before dating.
4)         Knowing how to choose someone compatible.
5)         Overcoming the myths of relationships.
6)         Regaining a lost love.
7)         Learning to value yourself.
8)         Restoring a marriage in crisis.
9)         Becoming a better husband or wife.
10)       Blessing your relationship.


To be happy in your love life, it takes much more than just being in a relationship with someone. Otherwise, there would not be so many people who feel frustrated and unhappy despite being in a relationship. There are some basic requirements that need to be met in order for you to be happy with your love life.

These basic requirements include: loving yourself; taking care of your inner self; being balanced in your thinking, and; feeling at peace and happy with yourself. Then you can be a part of someone else’s happiness. These are the necessary requirements for building a happy and lasting relationship.

The Love Therapy meetings aim to help you overcome any problems you are experiencing in your relationships. Whether you have experienced loss or constant disappointment in your love life, these meetings will help you start afresh. Our Seminar is also a great learning tool for those who are single and would like to develop as individuals before entering a relationship.

Every Thursday at 8pm

Rainbow Theatre, 232 Seven Sisters Road, N4 3NX